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The Devil's Own Page 4

  But try as he might to believe that, his head was right back there. Jeez, it was creepy kissing her back then. She was fucking fourteen years old—just a freaking kid. God, I should have known better, instead of acting like a fucking pedophile.

  He reached for the bottle and this time didn’t bother with the glass as he took a long pull. He’d been wrong then, and it was still wrong now. “Keep your fucking head.”

  Liam slammed the bottle back on the counter and made his way back to bed. There was more at stake than him fucking things up with Cassidy. They were so close to busting this case wide open that he couldn’t jeopardize what was almost fourteen months’ work.

  As he climbed into bed, Liam wondered if today’s crisis at the docks would help or hinder his cause. Liam closed his eyes and had almost drifted off to sleep when his phone vibrated across the bedside cabinet. He reached out and scooped it up. The message was one word—Thanks—and even though the number didn’t have a contact name, he knew it was from Ryker.

  She ok? Liam typed back.

  For now. But Kane wants to talk in the morning.

  Damn. You want me to pull you out?

  Not yet. We stay with it. Gotta go.

  Liam deleted all the messages and lay back on the mattress. The tension was back in his shoulders, and he craved a distraction. The phone felt heavy in his hands, and in the end, he caved and sent a message to Marlena.

  You want company?

  Chapter 5

  The room that Cassidy shared with Ryker was stuffy. Well, room was a slight exaggeration. It was a twelve-by-fourteen featureless box with peeling wallpaper and an overpowering smell of stale food. Their whole life was contained in this old motel room. Kane Munch’s father had moved the Devils into the abandoned building more than three decades ago. It was dingy and cramped, and didn’t even have electricity until they got generators, but it was pretty much all Cassidy had known her whole life.

  She and Ryker moved into the room at the Devil’s headquarters after their father died. Room 216 had belonged to Cory Macintyre back then, and Kane was generous enough to allow them to stay on after Cory passed away six months before.

  Cassidy padded to the window, avoiding the piles of car parts, plastic bags of clothing, and discarded pizza boxes. Jesus, how did three of them used to fit in here? There was barely enough space to walk through the clutter. She sighed at the mess. Perhaps I could organize things better, create some more space? Huh, but what was the point? Ryker would just see that as more space for him to store his stuff.

  She pulled the moth-eaten drapes aside and the view of the dumpsters with rats scurrying around the piles of crap spilling out made her shudder. This place was a stark contrast to the priest’s house. Although she hadn’t explored much of Liam’s place, from what she had seen it was like a palace compared to this shithole.

  Outside, the world was cast in a gray light. It seemed the motel’s compound was the last place on earth where the sun’s rays ever reached. Some days, when the clouds hung low or it rained, you got the feeling there would never be sunshine again.

  Cassidy rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and crept back across the bedroom to the bathroom. Ryker was sprawled on the giant worn-out couch, lying face down, his head twisted to the back cushions. A thin sheet covered his legs and rear, leaving his naked torso on show.

  Ryker was a pretty muscular guy, handy with his fists when he had to be, and unlike most of the men in the Bowker Street Devils, his body was clean of tats except, of course, for the gang’s symbol on his right wrist.

  The bathroom was basic but it was clean, and for the most part free of clutter. Cassidy made sure of that. No way will I use a freaking filthy bathroom! She scrubbed it daily, and the sink was kept as white as it could possibly be, along with the tile grout on the floor and back splash. It was an uphill battle because the sink had lost its gloss years ago. Thousands of tiny scratches covered the surface, but she was diligent, keeping the dirt at bay with an old toothbrush every day.

  A couple of years ago, Ryker had come across a brand-new toilet that had been dropped on someone’s porch for delivery. He’d presented it to her for Christmas, all fully fitted in. The sparkling white latrine was the only luxurious thing she had in her life.

  After she used it, she added bleach to the bowl, and put the lid down. She sat on it, and leaned her chin on her hands. Was this it? A fucking clean toilet—was this as good as it got? There had to be something better out there, surely?

  Someone banged on the motel room door and a few minutes later it opened. Ryker muttered, “What’s going on?”

  The walls in this place were paper thin and even though Ryker wasn’t talking loudly, she could hear him as clear as if she were in the same room.

  “Kane wants to see you.” Falcon’s familiar voice made her smile.

  It might be her hormones, but Falcon had started looking cuter. She sighed, but he paid her no more attention than her damn brother did. Actually, for all intents and purposes, he might as well have been her freaking brother. Cory had taken him under his wing, too, though he’d never lived with them as such. He was a couple of years older than Ryker and squatted with a bunch of other single guys from the gang.

  “Well, Kane can go fuck himself.” Ryker’s comment made her chuckle. Though she doubted he’d dare say that within earshot of Kane, he wasn’t afraid to show his contempt for their leader. She heard the two men retreat into the room and the door closed behind them.

  “He wants you to bring Cassidy to him.”


  “He knows she was with us yesterday, Ryker.”

  “How? Did you tell him?”

  “No. It was one of Creed’s men.”

  “Shit. I’ll talk to Kane.”

  “That won’t help. You have five minutes, and you better bring her.”

  “Or what, Falcon? You doing Kane’s dirty work for him now?”

  “Just relaying the fucking message. Don’t test him, just be there.”

  The door opened and closed again, and Cassidy guessed Falcon had left. She combed her hair in front of the mirror and pulled it into a ponytail. Her dark roots were showing through and the bright red hair dye she’d used months ago had faded to an almost pink color. She checked under the sink and found a box of crimson dye and made a mental note to use it later.

  “Cassidy, you in there?” Ryker pounded on the bathroom door, and she pulled it open.

  “Where else would I be? The gym? Or perhaps in our billiards room? There is nowhere else I can go, Ryker. This poky place doesn’t even have vending machines or an ice maker to hang around.”

  Her brother was standing in his underwear, his brow furrowed, staring out the window next to their room door. “Get dressed, Kane wants us, ASAP.”

  Cassidy chewed her lip. “Am I in trouble?”

  Ryker drew her into his arms and stroked her hair. “Let me do the talking.”

  “But it was my fault, Ryker. If I hadn’t…”

  He put his hands to her face and cupped her head between them, commanding her full attention. “You keep quiet, Cassidy. Don’t say anything.”

  She nodded, and while Ryker used the bathroom, she pulled on her jeans and rolled a camisole over her head. When Ryker emerged, he glanced over at her and scowled. “Put a hoody on.”

  Cassidy did as she was told and grabbed a huge blue fleece off the bottom of her bed. The thing was years old—one of Ryker’s—and it hung off her slight frame rendering her shapeless.

  Ryker pulled on his pants and grabbed a white tee. “Come on, let’s get this over with.”

  Chapter 6

  Kane was in the courtyard. Dotted around the space were huge lit barbecues, with men and women huddled around them warming their hands and smoking. Kane watched Ryker and his sister cross the flagstones, his minions stepping out of the way to allow them through, then closing in behind them. By the time they reached Kane, the rest of the guys in the courtyard were surrounding them, their focus on w
hat was going to go down and not trying to keeping warm. Ryker let go of Cassidy’s hand and stepped forward to greet him. Ordinarily, they would have shaken hands and slapped each other’s backs, but Kane put his hand up, halting Ryker. He wasn’t sure what side this guy was on any more and until he could substantiate the kid’s loyalty, it would be beneficial if the others saw that Ryker was on probation.

  Kane glanced over at the man’s sister. Cassidy had always been a pretty little thing, and it was impossible to hide that beauty under those over-sized clothes. She’d pulled up the hood on her fleece and stood looking at her feet.

  “Step closer,” he beckoned to her.

  The girl shuffled forward a few inches, but Ryker put his hand on her arm and stopped her. “What’s this about, Kane?”

  “Your sister started a fucking war yesterday, and I want to know why.”

  Ryker folded his arms across his chest and stood up a little bit taller. “It had nothing to do with her, it was my fault.”

  Kane liked this guy’s attitude. The kid was afraid of nothing and no one. However, he was growing tired of Ryker. Something was a little off about him. “You holding your hands up to this?”


  “Even though you know what it means?”

  Ryker didn’t hesitate. “I said it was on me. Falcon and I were picking up a shipment, and Creed’s men spotted us as we left the warehouse.”

  “That wasn’t what I heard. Who drew their gun first?”

  “I did, and Falcon followed my lead.”

  “Let me get this straight. You were outnumbered, and they were in the middle of shifting a cargo of women, and you didn’t turn your fucking heads but decided to draw your weapons?”

  “Like I said, they saw us, it was only a matter of time before—”

  Kane stood, and the action silenced Ryker. “Did she drive the truck at them?”

  “Only because I told her to get out of there.”

  “You know Creed is demanding compensation? He lost five women, he isn’t taking this lying down.”

  “I’m sorry, boss, but it all happened so suddenly, and…”

  Kane strode toward Ryker. “I don’t tolerate fuck ups, you know that. Fuck ups make me look weak, and I will not let the Creed gang think I am fucking weak.”

  Ryker didn’t flinch as Kane yelled in his face. “It won’t happen again.”

  “Yeah, you’re right, it won’t.”

  For the first time, Ryker looked directly at Kane, and the color ran out of his cheeks.

  “Creed wants recompense, and I have a mind to hand you over to them.” He turned and barked out an order to two of his lieutenants. “Take him away while I think of what to do with him.”

  Ryker didn’t resist as the two men grabbed him by the biceps and hauled him backwards. Falcon rushed forward barring their way. “You’re seriously going to give up a good man to placate the Creed brothers?”

  Kane glared at him. “Keep your mouth shut, and move out of the way.”

  Falcon put up his hands, his eyes darting around the room, taking in the half dozen drawn weapons.

  “Please, he did nothing wrong…” Cassidy pushed passed Falcon. “Please, it wasn’t my brother’s fault.”

  For fuck’s sake, they were falling all over each other to take the blame. Maybe I should beat them all. Kane raised an eyebrow and beckoned her closer. Ryker surged towards Kane, but he didn’t get very far, as the two men that were leading him out pinned him against the wall. “You touch her, Kane, and—”

  “And what?” Kane strolled over to Ryker. “Are you threatening me?”

  Before Ryker could reply, Kane headbutted him, hitting him squarely on the nose. Blood spurted from Ryker’s face, and he struggled against the men restraining him.

  “Take him away; I’ll deal with him later.”

  As Kane turned around, Cassidy flew at him, her small fists raised. He caught her wrists and squeezed them tight. “I’d think twice before you do anything you’ll regret.” He stared her down and watched her lip tremble. After a couple of seconds, the fight left the girl. “See, that’s better.” He let her go. “Now, you got anything else you want to say to me?”

  “I… I can explain what happened. Please just let him go.”

  Falcon appeared at her side. “Leave it, Cassidy, Ryker can handle this.”

  She glanced over at Falcon and shook her head. “Please, Kane, can I talk to you on my own?”

  Kane suppressed a smile, there was nothing he’d enjoy more than some one-on-one time with this sweet thing. “Sure, in there.” He pointed to his room, and Cassidy looked at the door. She hesitated for a moment before she walked towards it.

  “Cassidy…” Falcon called, but shut his mouth as Kane threw him a withering look.

  Kane closed the door behind them and cast his eyes over the girl. She stood with her chin jutting out and defiance in her eyes. Cassidy had her brother’s spirit but was far too skinny and short for it to be effective. “Sit down. Can I get you something to drink?”

  She shook her head then looked around for a seat. Kane’s place wasn’t exactly packed with options, and in the end, she perched on the corner of his bed and took a deep breath.

  “It really was my fault. I was waiting outside the warehouse for Ryker and Falcon, and I saw these guys come out of the place opposite with some women. I didn’t know they were Creeds’ men at first, and I leaned forward to get a better look. Somehow, I must have hit the horn and…” Her eyes dropped to her hands and she began twiddling the edge of the huge fleece she was wearing.

  Kane crossed the room toward her. Mmm, he was a sucker for the little girl lost look, but not in a way she’d appreciate. Her vulnerability made him hard. “Did you strike one of Creed’s men with Falcon’s truck?”

  “Yes, but it was an accident.”

  He rubbed his chin. “You know what this means?”

  “Please, Kane, I’ll do anything, just let Ryker go.”

  Oh, I intend to hold you to that! Kane pushed the hood down off her head and raised up her chin with his finger. “Anything?”

  Cassidy’s tongue flicked out and licked her lips. She visibly gulped and swallowed. “Anything.”

  “Then take off the hoody.”

  She stood up and stripped it over her head, and only when she held it by her side, did he see the fear in her eyes. Without the cumbersome fleece, he could see her neat figure. Mmm, better than he remembered. “How old are you now, Cassidy?”

  She briefly looked up at him as if she was surprised by the question. “I’ll be eighteen on Halloween.”

  He raised an eyebrow. The girl really was attractive, and he’d had a soft spot for her for years, but now she was almost an adult, and that made a difference. Kane didn’t have many morals, but he didn’t fuck children. “Okay. I won’t touch your brother.”

  “Y-you won’t?”

  He put his hand to her cheek, and when she flinched, he folded his fingers around her neck and tugged her closer to him. “Now, I don’t do this shit for free, Cassidy. What are you gonna do for me?”

  “Um, anything. You want me to go steal something for you? Because I can.”

  He shook his head. “I have plenty of people to steal stuff for me, sweetheart, you’ll have to do better than that.” She tried to step back, but he held her firmly in place. “You see, what I really want… is you.”

  A tear rolled down her cheek. “O-okay.”

  “Willingly, and for as long as I want you.”

  She stood a little taller, her shoulders straightening.

  “And just in case you didn’t catch my meaning, I want you in my bed. I’m gonna fuck you, and you’ll fucking enjoy it.”

  “Okay.” The tremor that had been in her voice disappeared, and she put her hands to the bottom of her camisole and pulled it up over her head.

  Kane smiled in appreciation and admired her dedication to her brother. Fuck, she had a good body. He traced his forefinger over her dingy bra, along
the swell of her breasts, then down between them, and across her stomach. She held her breath as his finger continued its journey south, eventually resting on the button of her jeans. “Tell me, Cassidy, are you still a virgin?”

  He thought she hesitated, but then she looked him straight in the eye. “Yes.”

  Mmm, I like the sound of that. It was a while since he’d had the pleasure of fucking something so fresh. He licked his lips and checked his dirty thoughts. As much as he’d like to take her right then and there, he had a shitload of crap to sort out over the Creed gang fiasco. There wasn’t time for this distraction. Reluctantly, he picked up her camisole and swept the silky material across her front. His fingers lingered on her breasts, and he almost changed his mind. Perhaps she could get on her knees and give him a taste of what was to come.

  “Put this back on.” He thrust the top at her, not wanting to spoil what he had planned for her. Patience.

  Cassidy’s trembling fingers took her camisole from him and she hurriedly pulled it over her head.

  “Two days, you said?”

  Cassidy folded her arms around herself. “Sorry?”

  “Your birthday. It’s two days until Halloween. You’ll be eighteen then?”

  She nodded, and he leaned forward, kissing her cheek. “You’ll be mine then. I’ll tell you what, I’ll even celebrate your birthday with you. I’ll hold a party at the club. A costume party—yeah, that’ll be fun.”

  “Th-there’s no need…”

  He frowned at her. “If I say you’re having a party, then you are damn well having a party, and you’re gonna fucking enjoy it, you hear me?”

  Her eyes glistened with wetness. “Okay, thank you, Kane.”

  He turned and walked to the door. As his hand touched the handle, Cassidy found her voice. “And you promise to let Ryker go?”